In February of 2010, I walked/jogged the Houston/Chevron Marathon 5K. It was my very first attempt. It was unplanned. And, I was totally unprepared for it. Physically, I felt up to the challenge but mentally, I did not realize what I was doing. I just knew that I had to do it. Even though, I have a string ofYOU CAN DO IT accomplishment behind me, I still felt as if I was under achieving. It I took the Marathon to change all of that.

I have a sign the size of the medal that I received for completing the marathon.  The medal and a small post-it-note are almost the same size.

My sign sits on my computer monitor as a reminder that “I CAN DO IT!” whenever I have those “That’s a crazy idea! And “It will never work!” moments.

While walking the Marathon, my thoughts began to race ahead of me. What are you doing? Why did you think you could do this? Don’t you know how old you are? What if you don’t finish? Your family won’t know where you are to identify the body when you pass out. (I disclosed my private heroics to my oldest son the morning of the race).

It seemed as if I was at the very end of the runners as my mind continued on to tell me that “millions of people” were passing me by. I even noticed a gentleman who appeared to be in his 80″s zipping past me. I felt so disheartened.

Then my moment came. I heard a man remark to his young son who was jogging with him as they passed me by, “There are thousands behind us.”  I knew then that I was not doing this for me but for the “thousands” behind me that needed to see me finish —proving to them that they could finish.

I no longer felt as if I was lagging behind. I was actually ahead of thousands!

Whenever I look at my post-it note it tells me to keep forging ahead. Don’t stop dreaming or achieving because of my age.

It is a reminder that “I Can Do It!” Furthermore, there are thousands watching my back.

Strategic Transformation Specialist & Christian Woman Motivation Speaker 

Education * Motivation * Support

Strategic Questions and Answers

When GOD asks a question, how will you respond? He asked Adam: “where art thou” and again, “who told you were naked?” Jesus asked the man lying by the pool of Bethesda – “Do you want to be healed?”  He asked the woman caught in adultery, “where are your accusers?”  He asked Mary – “Woman why are you crying?”

Strategic Questions and AnswersWhen GOD asks a question, how will you answer, will you even answer or will you turn away? Maybe GOD has been asking you a question, what do you want me to do for you? Or perhaps, tell me where you hurt?

Let’s not be afraid to respond when he asks a question, Trust his unconditional love, his mercy, and forgiveness. I believe when GOD asks a question, he is shaking us in the spirit. He is shaking off physical eyesight and moving us into the eyes of the spirit. God is not asking you about your neighbors answer to the question he wants you to answer for yourself.

Some of us are in associations that are drying us up. The people you hang around with are sad and depressed; they discuss their problems more than they seek the problem solver. They blame society, the man, the boss, their mother, their boyfriend, everything else is the source of their problem, and it has dried them up. Their dreams are dry. Their careers are dry. Their marriages are dry — depleted from lack of care and attention.  And by association we have joined in this dryness. Scattered dreams and goals, left unattended.

Collect your thoughts, collect your dreams, and pick them up from where you left them. Dust off those journals, Go back and pick up the outline of that unfinished book. Can your dreams, marriages, or life be revived? Can they live once again? Do they have any energy left in them?  It only takes a spark to ignite them once again.

Brush up against someone who is ablaze with success in your field of choice. Make a dinner date with the single friend who is content and filled with “joie de vivre”.

Ask yourself the hard questions; “If I remain in this career, house, or relationship where will I be in 5 years, or even 5 days?” Rather than denying the truth like the child who has crumbs surrounding his mouth yet denying that he took a cookie. Look at it for what it is — a dead end street or a thoroughfare with multiple exits that will lead to success.

Strategic Transformation Specialist & Christian Woman Motivation Speaker 

Education * Motivation * Support

Ages, Stages, and Grands!

Ages, Stages, and Grands

Let me say, first of all, that it was not my intent to be a single Mother. I am a product of a Mom and Dad who were married for over 60 years. That was not my life’s goal. I married my middle school sweetheart. We dated through high school, and … [Continue reading]

The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

I was about to undergo an ultrasound of my heart, a procedure that had been recommended by my Cardiologist. The Nurse explained that this device had the ability to show areas of my heart where there was a clogging of the arteries and the flow of … [Continue reading]

REPAIR – Are You Ready for the Holiday Season?

The Holiday season is quickly approaching. For many, this is a season of joy and great expectations. Will he pop the marital question? Am I getting that new car? How will I ever fit all those people in my house? And yet, for others it is the … [Continue reading]