Education Profile
Dr. Mary White eloquently combines education and empowerment to motivate anyone she comes in contact with. One of her greatest strengths is being known as a professional development provider.
Her ability to deliver high energy and audience-engaging presentations with a dash of humor is significant. Dr. White speaks and writes Spanish fluently and works well with diverse audiences.
Her travels abroad include educational training in Nairobi, Kenya, academic work in early literacy at the University in Madrid, Spain, and additional research in early childhood development in South Africa. Her studies also include a fellowship at Harvard University.
Presently, she is an Education Outreach Manager, an Adjunct Professor with Capella University, a Master Trainer with the Texas Early Childhood Professional Development System and the owner of Diversified Trainers & Consultants.
Dr. White is best known for facilitating workshops in schools, churches and other community-based organizations.
Her certifications include Bilingual/ESL, Reading Recovery, Dyslexia Specialist, Child Care Director, Elementary Education, and Texas Primary Reading Inventory Trainer.
She serves as a board of director for local nonprofits, the Houston Area Association for the Education of Young Children (HAAEYC) and the Houston Center for Literacy.
Dr. White holds Bachelors in Elementary Education/Spanish; a Masters in Developmental Reading and in Educational Administration, and a Doctorate in Administration and Supervision.
Dr. Mary E. White
Strategic Transformation Specialist
Education * Motivation * Support
Phone: 713 397-1221